Lost friends/Old mates. If you are looking for old friends contact web manager on THE FEEDBACK PAGE giving as much detail as possible and it will be posted on this page
Donald Topliss is trying to make contact with his friends, Cpl Barry Tennant and Pte Kevin O’Shea, both of whom he served with in Berlin, with 1 WFR. They were both previously in The Worcestershire Regiment prior to amalgamation. Anyone with any information is requested to contact Donald directly on 01623 407396 or via email ann.top@ntlworld.com
Neil Hughes (ex R Irish) is looking for Pat Hallett who was with WFR. They were together in 3 Platoon, Alamein Coy, Sandhurst in 1990. A Platoon 30th commissioning anniversary is planned for next year.
Pat, or anyone who has any details regarding Pat, is asked to contact Neil direct by email: nonhughes@tiscali.co.uk or call 07958 945 138.
9th September 2019
From: Tony Copestick
Email Address: thecopesticks@yahoo.co.uk
Bumble and I are looking for Eric Cosgrove , also known as Cosy, he was last seen in Berlin, if anyone could tell us if he is about.. He also had a brother who drove the C.O of the battalion.
25th March 2019
Your Name: Scott Pomeroy
Your Telephone No:
Your Email Address: scottypom89@gmail.com
Lost Friends
I am looking for people who knew my grandfather Thomas John Pomeroy (known as John or 'Tech'??). He lived in Evesham, but was based at Norton Barracks for his National Service.
He was the baton holder for Major Robert Britten.
22nd May 2018
Gerald 'Nobby' Clarke is looking for contact details for, Joe Laws, LCpl Provost, Moved to Cheshire?
13th November 2017
Your Name: Tim Foster
Your Telephone No: 07775388928
Your Email Address: timfoster65@yahoo.com
Hello to all.
I am posting this lost freinds request as I am looking for guys I served with in D coy(fire support) Netheravon. Or from anyone that served with the Regiment from 1981 to 1986.Either at JLB shorncliffe or in Germany at Hemer. And then at Warminster. If anyone remembers me get incontact either by text or Email you can find me on Facebook too.
16th July 2017
Your Name: L/cpl d Turton
Your Telephone No: 07814351706
Your Email Address:
Trying to find a good friend when I served with 1wfr , his rank was full cpl and his surname was hodges nickname maggot he served with myself in the drums platoon and would like to hear from him last I heard he went back to Germany
5261036 Sgt Ian Turnbull. Sgt, a former Principal Percussionist with the Regimental Band of the Worcestershire Regiment 1946-1958, is curious to know if there are any former members of the Regimental Band or the regiment that might remember him and be interested in making contact ? His postal address is:- 25-1040, Riverside Drive, London. Ontario. Canada. N6H 5N4 or, email at ijt@execulink.com
15th December 2016
Gerald (Nobby) Clarke wants to know if anyone has contact details for Joe Laws. Last known address :- Bridgenorth Rd, Erby Wirrall. Nobby can be contacted on nobby.clarke27@gmail.com
13th December 2016
I'm looking for an old friend from my Warminster days. Steve Murray Nickname Slim and Jacky. If you have any contact details it would be great to get in touch. It been 32 years. I hope you can help me. Last known to be living in London.
27th October 2016
Looking for a Richardson who joined your regiment in 92 I think his first name is Carl I was in training with him Plassey Platoon Prince of Wales` Division. Many thanks.
Darren Howlett
23rd September
If anyone knows of the whereabouts of the family of the late 24173439 Pte Glasgow WJ (Willey), 1WFR, who served in NI in 1972 and left the Army in 1975, they are asked to contact the Assistant Regimental Secretary on 0115 9465415 or cindy.baines247@mod.uk
His last known address was in the Chesterfield area.
1st September
Your Name: Kelvin Palmer
Your Email Address: kgpmailbox-rhine@mybtinternet.com
Intake 41, Rhine Company Sandhurst are about to have a 50 year reunion. We would like to contact one of our platoon sergeants, Phil Booth. After Sandhurst I met him with the Regiment in Ballykelly in 1975. Any information about him would be appreciated.
9th July 2016
Re: post of 18th Jan 2016
John C Rooney, Pete Link is trying to get in contact, please message through 'Feedback Page' for details
17th June 2016
1 WFR B COY 1975
Anybody in 1WFR B Coy around 1975 please contact Dave Nicholson as I`m looking for old friends anyone
from Notts area please contact me on this address Jlarby24@gmail.com
Comment: 1st Feb 2016
would love if u could put my enquiry back up on lost friends,ive had 1 response so far ,maybe i will get lucky
to contact old friends ,and would love to go to gib reunion when ever next one been held ,cheers
I joined 1worc regiment in 1966 and left as sgt in 1975, would love to hear from anyone who knows me ?
18th Jan 2016
Hi all,
My name's Cliff Howard ex 1wfr, service number 24501741. I'm trying to trace anyone who passed out
of alma plt at whittington bks in 78-79. any of you old woofers who may still have a photo of that plt or any
photo's of me from colchester or hemer, i would really appreciate your help. thanks guys! FIRM
I joined 1worc regiment in 1966 and left as sgt in 1975, would love to hear from anyone who knows me ?
I am trying to locate an ex member of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters. Back in 1998
we served together on loan service in Oman. His name was WO2 Fred Slaney and his wife was called Tracy
and they had 2 sons (or was it 3?). I would love get back in touch with Fred (I think 'Fred' was a
nickname). I hope someone can help me
From Kenneth Dutton 20th August 2015
I was in the Worcestershire regiment from 1963 until 1 WFR was formed and then until 1978 when I left the
army, I was a corporal 23967622, I served most of my service in the pioneer shop, would like to contact
anyone who would have known me, I had a particular friend Terry Pullen who soon after amalgamation cross
posted to the Cheshire Regiment.
8th January
Tony Barnsley
I am trying to trace TONY AND CYNTHIA BARNSLEY,of the
Worcester foresters,, I was in REME and worked in the workshops and did the recovery for the Foresters while in
Warminster 1969 up until they went to Berlin about 1972, we were good friends especially the wives. Tony when he
left Warminster to go to NI.My wife June would like to see Cynthia and her son again.Thanks for all your help.
7th Oct 2014
Any one have any photograph,s of Foresters sub aqua club Vogelsang Bavaria France or Spain especialy the
beach bbq(fancy a walk down memory lane)
HQ Coy Sherwood Foresters Sub Aqua Club ( Minden)
Posted by D Zygmuntowski 38 [] on 07 October 2014
Also in Guestbook
7th Oct 2014
Hi, (reply below message)
My name is Mike Whiffin formerly 1 Glosters and 1 RGBW. I am trying to contact 2 Ex WFR's who I was in
training with at IJLB in 79/80 as we are trying to sort out a reunion. They are:
Nick Griffiths from Warndon in Worcester and Dick Naylor from Aspley in Nottingham. Both were in the
same intake at IJLB with me in 79/80.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Reply 21st July 2016
Nick Griffiths ex 1WFR 24513435
I have just spotted an old post from Mike Whiffin 1st Glosters who i was in training and passed out with at IJLB 79/80 stating he is trying to contact me
Dave Grinnel
Hi, I’m trying to locate and get in contact with a guy I did my basic training with, named Dave Grinel in 78 at
Whittington Bks. I went off to the 1 R Hamps before transferring to the PT Corp. He would have known me
as Keith Butler at the time. Any help locating him would be gratefully appreciated
_ Timothy Jones
Hi, I'm looking for an old friend, he was at Crickhowell in 1984 his name is Phil drury I would like to Contack him as we were
good friends, I went on to join the Royal welch fusiliers, and lost touch with him, a y help appreciated, thanks tim.
I am trying to locate the whereabouts of Major Andrew Moreton (WFR) who served with me at HQ NI in
Lisburn (G4 Qtr) in 1991 to 1993 .
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Email: dionnekingsley@hotmail.com
Seeking old friend from 1wf reg. Stationed in warminster in 1970/1971.Dennis Obrien d.o.b 25july 1949.
would know me as Linda Slade.love to here from you Dennis, from the Slade family.
From Lin.Stafford contact on lin.stafford@ntlworld.com
Cyril Stotesbury is trying to find out about Sgt Sid Potter served 1st Btt Worc 1944. please pass any info
through website.
I am trying to locate the whereabouts of Dennis (Dabba) Baker who served with me in the assault pioneers from 1970 to 1979 in 1 WFR.
Any information would be much appreciated.
Yours Truly
Steve Rose(24129798)
warehouse operative
CEVA Logistics
c/o Rolls-Royce plc
ATBS Stores
8 Hanger Annex
NG15 6EU
Tel:+44(0) 115 9642237
Email: steve.rose@rollsroyce.com
I am looking for Albert Reid who served in the WFR from 1976. He was a junior soldiers at LItchfield in 1975, his army number would
have started 2438 I know this is not much to go on but am hoping you can help we lost contact once we left to join our respective
Battalions. I have no idea how long he served or what rank he achieved. This is one of the tasks I have set myself for this year.
Thanks for assistance
Ian James
Ex Cheshire Regt
Hi Nigel. Thanks for your e-mail,I would be grateful for any information you may be able to obtain of any of the lads who served
in Malaya in 1951/52 1st. batt. Worcestershire Regt. D. company. Look forward to your reply. Best Wishes, Les.
From Len Bennett.
hi nigel i am trying to find terry (bunny) bannister last heard off in tamworth, terry was in the same
training platoon ,arnham pltn 1965 we both joined the btln in lydd kent many thanks len bennett
....good site.
Hi my father Roland Joseph Wilkes, passed away in DEC 2010 found out he had a life membership with the
Worcester regiment number 22 1973 is army number was 14948964 as far as i can find out he was at fort George from
15/03/45 can you help me out with any other information many thanks.
( posted from email )
