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De la fête qui a été présente le 26 août 2011.


Bonjour et Bienvenue a notre amis Francais.


 Mille mercis au Maire et le personnel de Mairie de Vernon et des gens de Vernon, Vernonnet et Tilly pour Nous accueillir pour participer avec les Parades du 26 août 2011. Nous attendons impatiemment de vous voir et le freinds que nous avons fait dans l'avenir 
 Je mettrai avec optimisme plus de photos sur ce site chaque jour aussi bien que photos et informations des vétérans et des membres de notre Association Régimentaire


Si vous voudriez vos noms aux photos envoyez-moi s'il vous plaît, e-mail via la page guestbook ou nigelfish@ymail.com



By kind invitation from the Mayor and people of Vernon, a party of eleven people from the Worcester Branch of Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment Association, attended the 26th of August annual laying of flowers and wreaths. This is to the memory of so many people associated with the town of Vernon, during 19th - 25th August 1944 and the battle taken to the Germans afterwards by the men of the 43rd Wessex Division. The 1st Battalion The Worcestershire Regiment Being at the foremost of the Allies to cross the Seine and thus helping the people ofVernon with their freedom the Nazi German occupation of four years.

A coach tour of the memorial sites consisted of :-

1. 16:30hrs  Vernon town cemetery, graves of allied war dead, one grave of these is of a Pte Treadgold of the Worcestershire Regiment.

2.  17:00hrs  North of river Seine, `The Worcesters Layby` at Tilly. A memorial at the place of headquarters and medical post of The Worcestershire Regiment has been placed, being a boulder of Malvern Hills granite.

3.  17:00hrs  Cemetery at Vernonnet, fourteen graves of men from The Worcestershire Regiment and those attached.

4. 17:30hrs  French Monument to the dead of Vernonnet, at roundabout Vernonnet.

5.  17:40hrs  South of river Seine, Quay Penthievre, Monument to British forces, 43rd Wessex Division, with monument to The Nottinghamshire Sherwood Rangers Armoured Corps, close by. Procession to:-

6.  17:50hrs  Beginning of road bridge,  Resistance roundabout, plaque to the FFI ofVernon.  Stopping the Germans re-entering Vernon. Procession to :-

7.  18:00hrs  Crossroads of, Rue d`Albufera and Rue Carnot, in front of plaque to Pierre Zmyslony  18yrs, on 19th August and all the combatants  of the people of Vernon, `Who gave their lives so France could live`.  Procession to :-

8.  18:10hrs  Large plaque in foyer of the Town Hall. Singing of the French National Anthem, Speech by the Mayor of Vernon, Speech By Richard Fox, President of the Worcester Branch of the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Association and the presenting to the Mayor of Vernon, with framed Worcestershire Badge with inscription on brass plate. Followed by refreshments.


There will hopefully be more photos from Vernon appearing each day, plus information, photos from members , Veterans and freinds , in relation to the battle in and around Vernon .


Before Parades 

Arriving on the 26th August 2011 for the Annual Parades  that evening, at the monuments to the fallen of  the liberators of Vernon and the British Forces who lost 550 in the battle, in and around Vernon. We had to be at the Baryton Hotel, which is only 5 minutes from the campsite in St Marcel, A large suburb at the side of Vernon, for 15:45hrs. We were met there by the husband and wife who Allan Poyner and Harry Massam had met in Malvern prior to the trip to Vernon. From there we went to the coaches waiting at Vernon Town Hall.


For history on the liberation of  Vernon.Please click on the following link.


History of the battle with first hand accounts from the men of the Worcesters who served there.

www.worcestershireregiment.com        then scroll down , on LEFT, Vernon, Seine Crossing.


This link is very good!, there is the story of  `Opperation Neptune`  the crossing of the Seine. On the last page there are links one to The Worcester News.

This site is also good on the history and what to do in and around Vernon / Giverny.



For history and what to see in Vernon. Hotels etc. Please click on:-



Links for the worcestershire  and the Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regimental Museums.




See website hill112.com/index2.htm for background info.  Albert Figg is famous as the chap who obtained

the Churchill tank that sits beside the 43 Wessex Division Memorial on Hill 112.







L>R. Nigel Fish, Alan Fish, Harry Massam, Allan Poyner, Mick Leeming.
Banner supplied by branch member Stan Berrow
L, John Walters, its a competition with Harry Massam to see who can play the electronic bugle the best.
John..."mine sounds better"
John wins the competition ..for laughing at Harry!!!
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